
WHY Don’t We Exercise?

Okurrrr, I totally acknowledge this seems like such a weird way to start off a blog that clearly is going to focus on exercise and health! BUT, I figured acknowledging first WHY so many of us don’t exercise, maybe good. Let’s just go ahead and talk about the elephant in the room, or in the world.

First of all, it’s really EASY not to. Let’s just list out ALL the excuses I hear on the regular, and valid or not, they are excuses. I believe there are ways around each of them, and I’ll talk about that later.

#1: Today’s society makes it so easy to be lazy and unhealthy. There I said it. Everything is literally at our finger tips now, and we no longer have to get up and go somewhere to do anything. How many of us are 99% online shoppers now versus walking the streets or the mall? I’m raising my own hand here. How many hit up the drive through at lunch time or dinner because making our own lunch, at home (or taken to work) just FEELS like too much effort? OR use things like delivery through UberEats or Deliveroo so we don’t even have to leave our house! I am also raising my hand though due to my autoimmune issues, unfortunately…and fortunately, this is not something I can do regularly, as there are too many things that will make me sick!

#2: Desk jobs. Love them or hate them, but they keep us sitting still for far too long. Unless we are lucky enough to work for a company that supports a healthy lifestyle, it seems almost impossible to be physically active at work. Thank goodness for things like FitBit and Apple Watch that literally tell us to STAND UP or challenge us throughout the day to get moving. I get it, by the end of the day, we are exhausted and the last thing that sounds remotely FUN, is exercising. But, my friend, it is a very necessary thing for your wellbeing on a lot of levels. I’ll talk more about that later!

#3: It’s easy to get lulled. It’s really easy to stay on our hamster wheel of day to day being too afraid to get off of it for fear of what might happen. What if I try to get up early to exercise and fail? I’ll never try it again. What if I tried to meal plan for the week AND meal prep, and I wasn’t good at it. I’d never do it again. Everything feels so EASY, so why mess with it? Trust me, I’m a big creature of habit, don’t mess with my system! However, creating new habits really doesn’t take as much time as one may think.

#4:TIME & MONEY. These two are THE most used excuses I hear. Yes of course they are valid, at times. We all have days where we literally need more hours. Some months we are overflowing with resources and others we are super tight. Things do ebb and flow. However, I’d like advocate, that if something is important to you, you’ll find a way. Just like you found a way to that drive through, or utilized that app for delivery. Just like you said YES to that grande skinny Carmel macchiato with 2 pumps of sugar free syrup, an extra shot of coffee and maybe just a tiny drizzle of Carmel on top…because why not. A little is better than a lot, right?

NOW, things are at our literal finger tips, exercising has become easier than ever before. You don’t even need to leave your home and you can have an amazing personal trainer right inside your computer, phone, tablet, or smart TV telling you exactly what to do! From yoga, to kickboxing, weight training and HIIT. You want it, it’s there. Many at home programs also come with super easy to follow nutrition plans, AND include meal planning and prepping resources! You can find these super simple AT YOUR SAME FINGER TIPS resources for an entire month, for about the same cost as that grande macchiato…or that lunch you had out.

It all comes down to your OWN desire to want to lead a better life. And my 1000% honest opinion is you have a 0% chance of living the life you want, if your body isn’t taken care of.

I’m going to be sharing with you my own journey to OWNing my fitness and taking advantage of every opportunity to stay and keep fit, and more importantly WHY. It has every reason to do with holding myself accountable to my health, fighting or extra time in this life with my family and unselfishly, to be happy.

Stay tuned!

Xo- Audrey

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