
The Facial That Changed Everything

I’m just a girl, standing in front of my mirror, asking her skin to look a lot less tired mom, and a lot more Gwyneth Paltrow. I have a draw full of products for every square inch of my face. I am OBSESSED with skin care and I love to try new things. About six months ago, I came across a skin care line that caught my eye with it’s ultra colorful and pretty packaging.

Ladies, I know I’m not alone here, but I definitely pick my wine based on the labels, so it’s no surprise that this product stuck out.

I was looking for something I could use once a week to compliment my routine without feeling like I had to complete 10 steps just to get clearer, brighter, firmer skin. I barely have time to dry shampoo my hair, so please let’s not make my skin care routine complicated! I also really have to pay attention to what goes on my skin and in my body, not only that, it’s important to me.

Enter, Drunk Elephant. That’s the name of the company! So fun right?! I have mad respect for the creator,Tiffany Masterson. She is a mother of four from Houston. Tiffany created this unique lineup because she couldn’t find what she was looking for in skin care; free from toxins, paragons and synthetic fragrances, BPA…etc. so she decided to create it herself. You go girl!

Her first product in the line up, Marula oil (paired with the baby facial above), comes from Marula trees. Apparently, elephants in Africa eat the fruit from this tree and it makes them drunk! Who knew elephants liked to party? We should be friends!

The T.L.C Sukari Babyfacial is used to help resurface the skin and break the bonds of the dull and dead skin cells that aren’t budging. It’s packed with 25% AHA and 2% BHA which together work some voodoo magic getting rid of the yuck and revealing brighter, tighter, plumper skin in 20 minutes. Oh, and your face will in fact feel like a baby’s bottom. I love to use this after a nighttime shower while my hair air dries a bit. It comes with a vial of the Marula oil to follow up with, which really is the perfect hydrating compliment.

There are 12 others amazing and colorful products in the line up. A great way to sample them all is with the Drunk Elephant Littles! I have this to grab and go in my weekend bag so I can keep the party going. It comes with a lovely jelly cleanser, night serum (which I love to use in between baby facials), Marula oil, SPF 30 Sunscreen, 3 day + night serums, multivitamin eye cream and peptide cream. Each of the products require only a tiny amount to be effective which means you’re really going to get a lot of miles out of them ( read: don’t let the price tag scare you, it’s worth it!)

My habit of picking things by the look of the label has paid off more often than not, and I have to say, this time it was a total touchdown! While all of us have different needs and goals for our skin, especially as we age, it’s super important to take care of what you’ve got.

The Littles! 12 mini products to take with you anywhere!
This particular post was really hard for me to decide on. When I love something, I LOOOVE it. I’m obsessed